LCWO Chair wins poetry prize
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Congratulations to our long-time Chair and coordinating committee member Helen Reid who won second prize in the Chapbook Contest 2020 … Read More

ACT Now programme: hypocrites welcome!
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This article came out the same week that the LCWO committee sat discussing how we make it clear that our … Read More

One more week to see ‘Holding against extremes: Mothering and making in a time of climate emergency’
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If you have not made time to pop into the Oxford Playhouse this month to see the exhibitions from Oxford’s … Read More

6 things we can all start doing today – an empowering pamphlet for kids
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LCWO has been working closely with partners to support young children in the face of climate change.  Part of this … Read More

LCWO hits Bonn Square on #CleanAirDay2019 #CleanerOutThanIn – photos
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Annoying mistake from me in saying 9-12% higher when it is actually 9-12 TIMES higher – and we’re Low Carbon … Read More

Bill McKibben calls on us all to find our point of maximum leverage
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Last Friday, Bill McKibben began his address at Lady Margaret Hall with a description of his father, when he found … Read More

Spotted: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall checks out West Oxford Waitrose ‘unpackaged’ pilot
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If you read the national news or are on social media of any kind, you should have seen that yesterday … Read More

Greta gave me goosebumps
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A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to be in the packed-out Friends House in Euston for a … Read More

Are you an introvert? Activism needs you – but you probably knew that!
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If we’re to create the positive future so many of us hope for, and one in which climate change and … Read More

Last night a DJ saved my life…
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… or gave me hope, at least! Pootling back from a meeting last night, I happened across Dev, a Radio … Read More