What is the watery equivalent of a phoenix rising from the ashes? A narwal from the waves, perhaps? Possibly a little OTT for describing our organisational beginnings, but still nice to acknowledge and celebrate our roots in what was a difficult and disturbing time for many.

The 2007 floods wreaked havoc in West Oxford, causing expensive damage to homes and leaving emotional scars on members of the local community. And with climate change, we are likely to see more unpleasant episodes of freak weather in the county, with flooding a likely impact.
However, in this morning’s item on BBC Oxford to mark the start of COP26 in Glasgow, political reporter Claire Starr also wanted to find the positive in that time, which she did by contacting LCWO, to ask us to tell the story of our beginnings.
If you missed it, hear long time member Neville Scrivener, talk about the birth of LCWO here:
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