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LCWO’s Autumn 2016 Bring and Take event was held on Saturday, 1st October, from 10.30am – 12.30pm.  It was only a couple of hours but, as at all our Bring & Takes, so much stuff was swapped in that time.  Here is the event in approximate numbers:

  • 174 attendees
  • 977 items re-homed, of which the most popular were books (27%), toys and games (23%) and  clothes (19%) 
  • Leftover stuff:  10 bags of textiles (clothes and soft furnishings) taken to our local primary school to help with their fundraising, and many books taken for their Christmas bazaar; one third of a small van load taken to a charity shop and half a small van load taken to Redbridge (our local recyling centre), as far as possible for recycling.

For general information about the purpose of Bring & Take events please see Reduce, Re-use, Recycle at our Bring and Take events.

Bring & Take Event 1st Oct 10.30-12.30